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Elementary Classroom

Our Lesson Plan

Things that we consider before our Lesson plan for each class to be written:


  1. Make sure activities have a logical link. 

  2. How can we arouse their interest?

  3. What is the pace of our activity?

  4. How can we challenge our students? (Every student needs to be challenged. If not, they lose motivation.)

  5. Build on what they already know and extend on them!

  6. Make sure every student can access something in the lesson plan.

  7. Have age and developmentally appropriate objectives.

  8. Have a clear, short, and simple explanation to deliver the lesson plan.

  9. What vocabulary do students need for the tasks? (If they need more vocab, how we are going to present that in an engaging way.)

  10. Plans for problems that might arouse during the lesson plan. 

Our lesson plan follows Project-Based Learning (PBL)


This approach of learning is an educational process where students learn by actively engaging with a real-world problem or question. It often involves a long-term project or problem.

This learning approach:

  • Is an active learning

  • Encourages children to explore and discover.

  • Helps children to stay actively engaged.

  • Makes children passionate about figuring out the world.

  • Encourages their curiosity.


Our teachers put children on a path that deepens their knowledge and builds skills they will need in the future. Lively discussion produces a lot of good questions and a list of things that kids want to know.

This is how our PBL lesson plan works;

Teachers divide the class into groups. It is up to students to ask questions, research, collaborate, and give each other feedback. With the teacher's lead, students need to figure out the best ways to make their point clear to other children and their teachers. 


Our teachers guiding Students as they;

  • Take ownership of their learning goals and process.

  • Know what they want to accomplish.

  • Set meaningful, appropriate, and challenging goals.

  • Create a workable plan to guide them in achieving the goal.

  • Know how to assess their project.

Success involved in our lesson plans: 


  •    Critical Thinking

  •    Collaboration

  •    Communication

  •    Learning in-depth

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